Old Focals: Vintage eyeglass provider for Hollywood films


Writer, Jasmine Elist, published a very interesting article for the LA Times recently about Pasadena eye-wear owner, Russ Campbell.

Mr. Campbell, owns Old Focals, a vintage eye-wear store located in Pasadena, California.  The company has supplied glasses for movies, t.v and commercials for over 20 years and has a vast connection with many of Hollywood’s well known films and television shows.

Campbell has supplied glasses for such films as “J. Edgar,” “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,” “Cowboys & Aliens,” “Catch Me if You Can” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” the upcoming “Men in Black 3“, as well as the TV show, “Mad Men”.

View Miss Elists’ full article HERE.

* Video grabs ©LosAngeles Times & their respective owners.

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