Profiles in History first lots from June Hollywood auction are up!


The first 325 lots are up for Profiles in History’s Hollywood Memorabilia Auction 40.

Profiles Hollywood auction 40 Lots and Preview

The auction is so large, it will be held three days, June 10th, 11th and 12th.

During the week of  April 12, 2010*,  auction house, Profiles in History, will be adding @300 lots to their web site for their upcoming May 2010,  June 10th, 11th and 12th, Hollywood Entertainment auction.

These first lots will be classic Hollywood photographs, autographs, scripts, books, etc.

After this release, Profiles will be putting up @100 lots each week, until the total catalog is uploaded.

This new way of releasing available lots will allow bidders to see the catalog as it is being put together, in more real time. So instead of waiting for the total catalog to be uploaded online, collectors will have access to lots much faster.

*Date may be the week of April 19, 2010.

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1 Comment
  • Jonathan
    April 11, 2010

    I hate waiting for the catalogs every time, it takes so long. This is a definitely a better way. Thanks for the info.